Anika Becker is an emerging artist, residing throughout Ontario, CA. Prefurring rural areas, her work depicts plant life, texture, aging and appreciation. Conceptually poking at ideas of human, animal relationships, Intertwingularity, and appreciation of elders and knowledge to create assuage between peoples. She practices with, but isn't limited to portraits. Her distinct style works well with acrylics, quick, messy demands. She exaggerates this and works fast with layers to create dark, interesting compositions. Working in a variety of ways to apply paint to create textures and details that enhance visual information from the painting. Engaging the viewer with layers and emotion that makes the viewer read further, allowing for a deeper understanding of the image.
Anika is currently an enrolled UofT student. Presently emerging, she is studying Curriculum and pedagogy, doing art and teaching. She aspires to teach, encourage expression and non conventional ways of thinking.